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E-Delivery of 1095-C and 1095-B forms

E-Delivery instead of mailing paper copies is rapidly becoming very popular for providing 1095-C or 1095-B copies to employees. E-delivery is also going to be popular among employers to be able to furnish to each employee. Usually, companies print and mail copies to their employees. Mailing out paper copies is a very time-consuming process, as they have to print, stuff, seal, apply postage, and mail copies. You can avoid all these costs by using our e-Delivery method for providing recipient copies.

You have to provide your employees’ emails, and we take care of the rest. We provide for your recipients a secure website in which they can access and print their forms. If your recipients do not accept e-delivery, then we mail out paper copies.

How it works

You need to provide us the email addresses of your employees while submitting your forms. Once the forms are ready, we inform your employees automatically that they can access their forms online. Your recipients can log onto our website,, using their email and the last four digits of their tax id. They have the option of using e-delivery. If your recipients accept e-delivery, they can access, print, or save their forms. However, if for some reason they do not accept e-delivery, or if they do not even open their email, we wait for three days and then print and mail their statements. If the deadline is approaching and we do not have three days to hold on, then we mail out paper copies immediately. Our e-delivery is 100 percent compatible with IRS guidelines for all tax purposes and allows your employees to print as many copies as they need.

Benefits of E-Delivery of 1095 forms

• E-delivery is compatible with tax laws.

• It eliminates the need for you to worry about which of your recipients opted for e-delivery and which did not. We manage this for you on our end.

• Your recipients can print their statements as soon as you submit your forms on plain paper.

• You can eliminate the risk associated with postal delivery by allowing members to accept their statements online.

• Your employees’ information stays encrypted and secure.

• Your employees can get a jump start in preparing their taxes without having to wait for the mail to arrive.

Ready to get started? Request for a Quote

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